Who was the Ultimate Prepper?

My vote goes to Noah. He received some trustworthy intel and started to act on it. He was given plans that he followed and constructed a bug out location/shelter. The shelter turned out to be an ark which took over 100 years to build. During that time he gathered rations and gear for an extended survival event. His family was already close by and helped in the preparations. Not only did he prepare provisions and shelter for himself and family, but a whole boat load of animals also.

Who is the second most prepared prepper? Anyone that is a Christian.

Are you interested in how to become a Christian?

The Curious Prepper

Welcome. The Curious Prepper is about my search and learning about Prepping, Homesteading and Survival. There is so many areas and sub-areas to explore and learn. I have posted the Articles I have found informative, as well as Reviews on gear I own, and Gear I think would be useful but have not yet purchased myself.


On the Articles page are several links to other pages and what they have wrote on Prepping, Homesteading and Survival. There always seems to be new areas to explore when it comes to these topics.


These reviews are on gear I have used and own. I give an honest review of what I think about the item.


Water Filtration
Food Storage
Survival / Every Day Carry